Change Agents: Y Care International shares insights and expertise

Y Care International delivers Communications and Advocacy training to World YMCA's latest cohort

 Change Agents 5.0 is delivered to an international cohort of young people from across the global YMCA movement. 

On 19th October, Y Care International’s Communications team kicked off their module on communications and advocacy for the participants of World YMCA’s Change Agents programme.

The first session was delivered by members of the Y Care International team. Visit our ‘about us’ page to find out more!

Spread across several weeks and delivered online to the 115-strong cohort, the module focuses on Communications & Advocacy in the context of international development and civil society organisations. Across the module, participants will learn about:

  • The importance of language in all areas of work, with a particular focus on decolonising language and using inclusive language.
  • The power, privilege, and dignity of telling other people’s stories.
  • Ethical and participatory storytelling.
  • The importance of brand consistency and building a strong brand.
  • Visual communication tactics.
  • How to effectively communicate your message through presenting and lobbying.
  • The role of marketing and digital channels in communications.
  • The importance of advocacy and why it is problematic to “be the voice of the voiceless”.
  • The need to seek out “experts by experience”.
  • How these principles and learning can be implemented across the YMCA movement to achieve Vision 2030.
  • Learning from each other

    The huge strength of this programme is its international nature. Collaborating online, participants were able to share perspectives from many parts of the world.

    To complement their discussions and sharing, participants were given a number of tasks to complete throughout the session, including an exercise in which they analysed case studies containing individual’s stories, and were asked to ‘spot the difference’ between good and bad storytelling, and explore how language can create power imbalances. For the next session, the Change Agents were asked to produce their own case studies using the principles of ethical storytelling they learned.

    This first session was well-received by participants, who appreciated the opportunity to learn more about communications and advocacy for NGOs and civil society organisations. The Y Care International team look forward to delivering the next session, which will focus on digital communications and marketing.

    The next session in the module will take place on 26 October. Learn more about the World YMCA and their Change Agents 5.0 programme here.

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