Image © Tom Price


Your generosity has the potential to create transformative change in the lives of countless young people in some of the world’s most marginalised communities. By considering a major gift or becoming a corporate partner to Y Care International, you can unlock the true power of your philanthropy and leave a lasting legacy of hope and potential fulfilled.

How Your Major Gift and Partnership Will Make a Difference:

  • Immediate Relief and Recovery: Your gift will provide critical immediate relief, helping us reach vulnerable young people with life-saving assistance. It will ensure that young people have access to essential food and non-food items during an emergency. Your gift will provide hope and relief to those affected.
  • Sustainable and locally-led Solutions: Your gift will support long-term, sustainable solutions to address the root causes of the issues impacting young people. It will enable local YMCAs to invest in education, healthcare, livelihood programs, and community-building initiatives that empower young people and communities to rebuild their lives with dignity and resilience. Your gift will pave the way for a transformative future for generations to come.
  • Personalised recognition and engagement: As a funder, you will become an integral part of our philanthropic community. We value your partnership deeply and will provide personalised recognition and engagement opportunities to express our gratitude for your transformative gift. You will have the chance to witness firsthand the impact of your generosity and be part of a movement that is going against traditional models of development, and instead is ensuring that young people are the ones creating the change, on their own terms.

Your major gift has the potential to fulfil the potential of young people, restore hope, and create a better tomorrow for young people. Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact and be part of a global community of young changemakers.

To explore the possibilities of partnering with us, making a gift or to learn more about our partners, please contact Jaipreet Kaur, Head of Philanthropy and Individual Relationships, at or call on +44 (0) 203 7587 6890.

Remember, your impact will resonate far beyond borders. As you give generously, you inspire others to follow suit, sparking a chain reaction of compassion and philanthropy. Your gift becomes a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of humanity to unite for the greater good.

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